“Meditate and reflect on solutions”

Jorge Moreira, commercial director of VICAIMA, studied Management at Universidade Portucalense. He considers that “it is the interaction with co-workers and managers that allows you to acquire real management skills”. Every day he has a routine: “meditate and reflect on solutions to problems”.

Comunica UPT: In what year did he enter the Portucalense University and what were the reasons that led him to choose to study Management?

Jorge Moreira: I entered Universidade Portucalense in 1995, and attended the Management degree because I always liked understanding the dynamics of a company as a whole.

When you chose Management, in which areas and/or company did you dream of working?

My goal was to work in my father’s family business.

How did you live these academic years?

The academic years are, without a doubt, the best years of our lives. These are intense years that pass quickly. These are years of learning that go beyond the academic aspect. The people we meet, the relationships we create, the experiences we live, whether of euphoria or distress, as happens in moments of evaluation, all of this makes us grow and makes our baggage much greater and more equipped when we reach the end. of this cycle.

How did you live these academic years?

There were moments of continuous learning, with great enthusiasm and some fun along the way.

A moment in your academic life that you never forgot?

During this period, the possibility of having a study experience abroad for six months arose. At the time I didn’t accept it, which made me feel a bit sad.

What challenge are you currently embracing?

I am currently also at Porto Airport, but in the Portway Passenger Department, where I do the check-in and boarding gates.

How did your professional career go?

My professional career has been marked by permanent evolution in different sectors of activity.

A moment in your professional life that was decisive and why?

When I accepted the proposal to take on the Commercial Management of an industrial company, at the invitation of a company consultant/mentor.

At VICAIMA, what are your daily responsibilities? What are you doing specifically?

My role is Area Sales Manager, on the one hand enhancing the current client portfolio, on the other, working on prospecting.

What skills did the course give you that were fundamental to this professional challenge?

I highlight the development of analytical skills.

What surprises you about VICAIMA?

The company’s versatility and clarity in its strategy, which extends from ‘Top Management’ to the production operator.

What lessons did the pandemic teach you?

The pandemic taught me that we must have an open mind to manage constant changes and we must focus on developing emotional management. Having a sense of planning, but not rigidity in achieving objectives, that is, being constantly changing, is another lesson.

Do you have some daily routines that you can’t give up? If so, which ones?

Yes. Meditate and reflect on solutions to the problems we face.

What advice do you have for final year students for success in the job market?

Having the humility to understand that the degree only prepares us in a theoretical way, since it is the interaction with co-workers, and their respective managers, that allows us to acquire real management skills. Investing in ongoing training is another piece of advice I have.

Age: 45 years old

Hobbies: Reading, sport and studying.

A book: “The New One-Minute Manager”, by Ken Blanchard.

An app: Google Keep.

Life motto: Be persistent.

A person who inspires her and why: Peter Drucker, considered the “father” of management. place where he lives: São João da Madeira.

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